The Café de la Pergola in Sabanera Dorado is a place where residents can get their daily necessities as well as other products and goodies to celebrate any activities in their residence, and most importantly, without leaving the community. Café de la Pergola is also a meeting place where neighbors and friends can get together to have a coffee, a glass of wine or a beer, and reward themselves with a relaxing experience after an afternoon of work or after some sporting activity, right at their community!
It’s modern and elegant set up provides a space to share with family. The products offered include an exquisite 100% Puerto Rican coffee, a great variety of dairy products, natural juices, yogurts, cold cuts, ice creams, cheeses, wines, artisanal beers, liqueurs, champagne, pastas, ice, fruits, meats vacuum packed, Household products, personal and infant care items, over-the-counter medications, snacks, and much more. In addition, residents can place their orders online with delivery service right at their door during certain times on weekdays and weekends.
Undoubtedly, another convenience that offers you to live in Sabanera Dorado!